7 tips to study and enjoy social science to get 95+ marks.

Tips to enjoy and  study social science to get 95+ marks.

We all know how difficult it is to study social science, and to get good grades. Social science is very interesting and important. It is interestiing because it consist of a lot of amazing subjects like political science, history, geography, and economics. These are very interesting as they tell us stories of past, present and future. Also it is important because it tells us how the earth works, mountains, rivers, dams, civilisations and much mor interesting things.

Hence it is important for us to study social science. So that we can understand ourselves better.

Most of the students thinks that social science is difficult. They find that there are lots of uncountable topics that are very long to remember. Hence they starts to fear from it. But their is nothing to affraid from social science. It is a very easy and interesting subject.

So here are 10 tips that will help you to study social science and get more than 95 marks in it. Enjoy!

1. Bye Cramming!

No cramming
If you want to be a topper in social science and get 95+ you havve to say bye to cramming. Start to understand topics and answers. I have seen many people saying that social science is all about cramming but that is not true in any case. Have you ever asked a social science topper, how they study. The answer in almost every case will not be cramming. Because there are lot of topics to understand  you can't cram it and hope to know everything in exams. 

2, Walk and talk

walk and read
Walking and understanding a topic simultaneously is an amazing way that many toppers use to  remember a topic. This is the most helpful method that I found out for learning and enjoying social science. Walk with book in hands and read out loud so that you can here your voice.

3. Read out loud!

read out loud

Reading out loud is an amazing wayy to remember somthing fast. Here we do not means that read very loudly, we meant here read so that you can here your own voice. The reason behind this is you will use four organs of your body in this process that are brain, eyes, mouth and ears. More organs you use in remembering process the more you will remember. Also you can try differnt combinations like writting and reading, reading and walking etc.

4. See photos and video.

 see photos and videos
Using a different method other than reading to remember social science will help you to remember for a longer time. You can see photos and videos of topic that you want to learn and than read them.  I have see many students they are so busy in cramming or remembering social science they forget the way to enjoy it. See photos or video of that topic while learning, for example while learning about napoleonic code also called civil code you can see napoleon bonaparte picture , his room, his throne etc.

5. Visit place

Visiting places is the most amazing way to understand things. You can have fun while learning by this method. Go to places like museum, palaces or old cities for understanding history. Go to different places from where you can get knowledge as well as fun. Collect picture of your tour and paste them with your notes so that whenever you read notes you will remember you visit and can remember things better.

6. Watch movies!

watch movie
If you did not unnderstand topics by lectures or book try to find movies on the topic and watch them. But do not watch them like you watch regular movies try to understand the movie. If you did not get it the first time watch the movie again and again. Also you can watch the movie while books or notes in your hand. This will help to relate things.  

7.  Study earlier!

study  earlier
If you still think that social science is boaring and difficult after practising above tips. You have to study social science earlier than regular and revise every weak the topic. If you do so you will get topic fit in your head. You will start gaining confidence in social science. And will start getting good grades.

If you want more tips and tricks of topper and school ; you can visit our
website stustudy001.blogspot.com . If you are having any other problem in remembering or understanding anything let us know by comment. We will surely help you.

If you want to know the secret to be a topper get the book  "Secret to get more than 95% in class 10th" written by us just by clicking on the link below.

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