5 tips to be the best captain in group project.

5 tips to be the best Captain in group project

How to be a good captain in group project.how to be captain.how to handle a group project. handle a team work. school project

Group projects are very interesting and are very important. Group project are given by the teacher so that we can understand a topic in a better and practical way. They measures many abilities of a student  like for a captain it is managing, distribution of work, teamwork and controlling a group. And for a group member it is to understand the topic, creation, innovation and performing a work according to the captain.

Some student are group members and very less are captain. And we are talking about those captains in this article. We are going to talk about 5 tips that a captain should do during a group project.

1. Identify the group members.

Identify the group members.
You are the team captain. The members can be your friends, someone who you don't know, or someone who is not your friend( your enemy). If he/she is your friend  you will find it difficult to order them or to control them or in some cases they might not listen to your orders. If it is someone who you don't know it will be easier for you to control them but harder for you to know at what thing they are good at. In that case go and meet them discover their creativity, knowledge and interest. If its your enemy he/she will try to ruin things and might not listen to your orders.

In any case you have to understand the member. You can ask the following questions to them:
a. What they are good at?
b. What they not good at?
c. Are they above average, average, or below average students?

You will get to know the use of following things in coming tips.

2. Be the topic master

understand the topic
It is very important that you understand the topic very well. Understand everything about the topic from library, internet or your teacher. Understanding the topic will take away 20% of your problem.

Also it is important to make sure that your team members understand the topic as well. Because until they did not understand the topic they cannot help you with the project. Hence teach the topic as you learn in a easy way to them as well. And make sure they understand the complete topic , there should not remain any doubt, confusion about the topic in your member's mind.

3. Planning

plan every thing

Planning is must when its comes to handling a group of people. You should plan everything about the content, pictures, presentation, etc. Also you should not keep the plan a secret that only you know but tell it to your group members. If you find it difficult to let you members know about the plan, if you think they will reveal the plan to different group you can tell a little part of your plan to different members.But it will be better if you let them know and make plan with other members so that you can discover new ideas and new ways to make your project best.

4. Distribute the work

Distribute the work
A good captain is a person who knows how to distribute the work. When you become captain of a group the biggest thing that you have to face is to distribute work among the group members. A captain never do the whole work by himself but they only control and distribute the work. You should distribute the proper work to a suitable person. You cannot just handle over a work to a member who do not know how to do it. You should give them some homework that they can do in their free time to discover the topic.
No member at any condition should not realize that they are given a lot more work then the other person or they are not given any work and you are barricading them from the group.
If you think that the member cannot handle the work you can call him to get the stationary things or to handle the things that he can handle better in your project. You can also distribute the work of gathering things needed for the project equally among the members. The work of captain is to distribute right work to right member so the they can together make an outstanding project.

5. Presentation

Presentation is the the last but a very important part of making a project. You and your group members must be prepared for presentation. Do not think that the questions will be asked only to you ,no your members should know about the topic. Do the practice in front of your members.You should also involve your members in the presentation to let them know many things also this will make a very good impression of your team and you about teamwork.Work together to give the best presentation.

If you want more tips and tricks of topper and school ; you can visit our
website stustudy001.blogspot.com . If you are having any other problem in remembering or understanding anything let us know by comment. We will surely help you.

If you want to know the secret to be a topper get the book  "Secret to get more than 95% in class 10th" written by us just by clicking on the link below.

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