5 tools that a topper always have.

5 tools that a topper always have.

5 things that a topper always have. things of topper. toppers secret. becoming a topper. how to be a topper

what do toppers do? how to be a topper

Journal are the most important thing that a topper or any successful person always have. Toppers starts and end their day with journal. Toppers or successful persons starts their day by planning in the journal and end their day by checking plans in the journal.

There are unlimited example how keeping a journal changed the life of a person and made them more
Toppers plans everything in the journal. They write their goals, keeps eye on their performance,
controls themselves and achieve best grade all by keeping a journal.

You can have a track on your goals. You can know yourself better because when we write we try to
express more. You can become serious about your goals. You can be a serious student of life.

what do toppers do? how to be a topper
 target board 
Goal making and accomplishing them plays a vital role in every successful person. Without goal you can't achieve something. Toppers know how important a goal is in their life.

Now, a target board is important because it keep reminding them about their goal. And because they
always have their goal in their mind they always works towards their goal and always achieve them.
Apart from writing goal on target board you can write your homework, assignment, or even notes that
you think are difficult for you to learn.


what do toppers do? how to be a topper
study table

We know, you were thinking how can desk and chair cam make someone topper in the class. Yes
they can. Desk and chair is vital for study. Almost every topper have proper arrangements for study.
You can't just study on couch, bed or carpet. You have to study on table.

The importance of a dedicated study area is often overlooked, but every student needs a space where
they can settle down to do their work without any disturbance.

All the successful people or people going to be successful have a fixed area where they can sit for
hours with focused mined. Why there are desk and chair not a bed in the office? Because you can be
more focused and have more energy on table as compared to bed or sofa.


what do toppers do? how to be a topper

Calendar is important in all the people's life. Now you will think "I also have a calendar. so why I am not a topper?" Yes we know you have a calendar. Toppers don't only use it to see dates. The way of using a calendar for topper is different. Topper use calendar to mark important dates like exam date and etc. Topper make plan of whole month or weak on a calendar, they make plan of study between exam days . They plan everything, EVERYTHING!


what do toppers do? how to be a topper
Yes we know you will say "flashcards are used by childrens, how can you become topper by flashcards?" You can become topper by flashcards, when you use them properly and consistently. You know that revision is the most important process a topper never compromise on. Toppers always do revision. That is why they they use flashcards.

Flashcards are amazing way to recall something. You can stick flashcards on your wall, study table or
bed so they can keep reminding you of a difficult topic.

Making flashcard can be a difficult, and boring job for you. Hence make 5 to 10 cards a day of only
some important topics. Don't make cards of all the topics in your book. Or make sections like for 5
days you will focus on only one section of your topic on flashcards.

So these were 5 things a toppers always use. You should start keeping them as well if you want to
be a topper.

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