5 tips to handle fight with friends.

5 Tips To Handle Fight With Friends.

The thing that you  want to avoid in your life is fight with your friend. Friends are the most awesome part of school or college. Friends make us happy, calm, relax, and sometimes takes away all our stress. And sometimes you just go to school to meet your friends.
A fight with friend is among the worst thing that can happen in school. It can make you super unhappy, stressed and you can't focus on studies as well. So it become very important for  you to handle yourself at that time. So here are 5 easy, tips and tricks that will help you at the time of fight with your best friend.

1. Be quiet!

tips to handle fight with friends at school.
 Be quiet!
At the time of quarrel a person usually becomes too angry and in anger they say something for which they will regret in the future. So it will be better to not say much at the time of fight. Also it is important to be calm and quiet after the fight. Just go for a walk in morning or evening or, do meditation or do whatever makes you calm and happy. 
If you see the friend with whom you fight do not try to talk to them and solve the matter. Stay calm and quiet, because you and your friend both are angry at the moment. Talking with them just after the fight to solve the the matter can make things worst. 

2. Try to understand the cause of fight.

tips to handle fight with friends at school.
think about it
You have to understand the cause of fight, so that you can stop yourself from doing the mistake. Also do not think that "why should I do that?" You should do that if you care about your friendship and your friend. Try to understand the problem and try to solve the problem. Also do not think much about the fight as it will disturb your mood.

3. Do not talk to other friend.

tips to handle fight with friends at school.
do not gossip
At this time you need someone who can really understand your feeling. Someone to whom you can say it was not your fault or it was your fault. Yes do that and talk to your other close friend, but make sure that you should not talk to your friend in front of the friend with whom you had a fight. It will create the felling of jealousy and ignorance. Also they will think that you are talking about him/her with your other friend to make them stand at your side. And this will surely make things worst. So whenever you come across that friend try to be quiet, sincere and your eyes should show your calmness. This will reflect that you are a good person.

4. See the time.and talk.

tips to handle fight with friends at school.
See the time.and talk.
At last you have to solve the fight and make things things better again like before fight. See the perfect time 1 day, 2 days or a week after the fight you feel like now you friend is happy and calm.
Because you are his/her friend you should know when their mood usually is good. Go! just go and try to talk to them and try to understand the matter to them.
If they are not ready to listen to you at any cost at that time do not force them. Leave them alone for sometime more to make the decision. And pick some other day.

5. Say SORRY!

tips to handle fight with friends at school.
say sorry
Yes at last you have to say sorry. If your friend is not ready to talk to you say a big sorry to them and apologize to them. That is the last most imortant thing you can do to end the fight and make your friendship more stronger and show them that you cares about them because you say sorry still it was not your fault.
And we think that you are a great friend because you are reading  a full article on this. This is the sign of real friendship.

If you want more tips and tricks of topper and school ; you can visit our
website stustudy001.blogspot.com . If you are having any other problem in remembering or understanding anything let us know by comment. We will surely help you.

If you want to know the secret to be a topper get the book  "Secret to get more than 95% in class 10th" written by us just by clicking on the link below.

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